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Confiscation & Asset Forfeiture

Due to its dedicated criminal law focus, 4BB Chambers houses a host of highly knowledgeable specialists on confiscation, asset forfeiture (including cash seizure) and civil recovery proceedings.  From first instance up to the appellate courts, we combine legal precision with approachable, pragmatic advice, with consideration of multiple jurisdictions where required.

For more information contact Colin Sartain

Call: 020 7092 1900 or email

Confiscation & Asset Forfeiture Expertise

Confiscation & Asset Forfeiture News

Stuart Trimmer KC successfully defends confiscation order in Court of Appeal

In the case of Nevitt [2017] EWCA Crim 421, Stuart Trimmer KC has successfully defended a confiscation…

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Confiscation & Asset Forfeiture Cases

Confiscation & Asset Forfeiture Barristers

Nic Lobbenberg KC

Call: 1987 | Silk: 2014

Philip Misner

Call: 1984

Isabel Delamere

Call: 1985

Peter Marshall

Call: 1991

Gabrielle McAvock

Call: 1994

Tim Naik

Call: 1994

Serious & Organised Crime

Sarah Porter

Call: 1996

Kevin Walls

Call: 1999

Michael Edmonds

Call: 2000

Matthew Kirk

Call: 2001

Neil King

Call: 2003

Kevin Walsh

Call: 2003

Joseph McKenna

Call: 2005

Ryan Brennan

Call: 2012

Toby Manhire

Call: 2019

Would you like to know more?

For help and advice talk to a member of our clerking team. They can advise on the best options for your matter.

T 020 7092 1900 – E

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